Planning for your Halloween decorations doesn’t have to be exhausting and expensive. Besides, this is the best time to show off your creativity and crafting skills without breaking the bank.
Now that there’s only a few nights left before Halloween, are you ready?
Don’t worry – we’ve listed some decoration ideas that will surely set the mood and you can do on the fly.

Dressed Up Pumpkins
Not a fan of Jack O Lanterns? There are plenty of ways to decorate your pumpkins. For instance, you can grab some autumn leaves and decoupage them in your pumpkins. You can also use different sizes of pumpkins and use them as centerpieces or any type of decoration.
DIY Candelabras
What’s a spooky night without some eerie flickers, right? No candelabras? No problem!
Just use your old wine bottles, paint them black, and top them with long gold or orange candles!

Bubbling Cauldron
Unleash your inner witch and set up your bubbling cauldron decoration. Use a huge cast-iron pot, and filled it with water and dry ice and voila, instant cauldron!
Spider Web Wall
Bring in the creepy crawlers and create your very own spider web wall. Stretch those fake spider web and spread it all over your porch or even on your dining table to add layers of creepiness to your Halloween buffet!
Tattered Curtains
Use some dotted Swiss fabric and tore it down for a creepy look! You’ll be surprised how it can make a room spooky!
Giant Balloon Spiders
Level up your decoration and make some giant spiders! Use black balloons for the head and body and wire hangers and black faux fur for the legs!

Eerie Living Room
Decorate your living room effortlessly by using drapes to cover your sofa, chairs, and other furniture for that extra ruin look. Light some candles for a full eerie effect.
Witch Broom Chandelier
Got a long broom? Make the most out of it and use it as a decoration. Stand out by using it as a chandelier by hanging mason jars with candles inside! Spooky!
These are just some ideas that you can easily do at home. Try these and share some photos on the comment section below.