New Year’s Eve is a day away. Are you watching the ball drop? Having a get together with friends? Or spending time with your folks. No matter the event you want your home to be entertaining. While doing so be sure to consider the safety precautions as they are mildly responsible for the craziness this year. We are aware of COVID but that does not mean the end of the year show must cease.
There are endless possibilities to how you can make this night memorable especially while you are at home. From appetizers, home decor, disco themes, even a photobooth. These tips could be something you take on next year or start a tradition with. It's time to get creative in how we are choosing to spend our last minutes in 2021.
Bar Cart

A bar is necessary to hold all the beverages, for the ones that show your wild side and those who are driving the wild ones home. Like a Shirley Temple, mixed berries, water, or sparkling. Now for the good stuff a French 75, Champagne or cocktail.

No need to create dishes that take up most of your day cooking. The smaller the better due to there being numerous people you want to keep things simple. Think of dishes for groups such as nachos, meatballs or charcuterie boards. Be mindful of sanitizing and using small plating.
Photo Booth

What’s a better way to recall memories than with photos! They can be fun entertaining activities or conversation starters. Regardless you cannot go wrong with creating your own photobooth.

For those who want to relax and snuggle up, a movie projector may be a nice way to spend your night. It is an interest for family oriented things to do. Here is an Amazon recommended projector:

Want to heat things up? A game is perfect to bring out the competitiveness in everyone. You can even play virtually which makes this a flexible choice to incorporate in your New Year’s Eve plans.

If you are not afraid of the clean up then decorate your space to the max! Using confetti, Disco balloons and backdrops and lets not forget the countdown clock!
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